I-40 Hernando de Soto Bridge at Memphis Closed

The I-40 bridge over the Mississippi River at Memphis is closed because of a break in the steel support girders near the middle of the bridge. Barge traffic in the river has been suspended. The I-40 bridge is one of two interstate bridges across the river at Memphis. The closest other bridges are the “old” bridge, I-55 at Memphis, a bridge at Vicksburg, and a bridge near Dyersburg, TN. Because of the use of I-40, interstate traffic will be impacted. The timeline to repair the bridge is unknown and will likely take months.

Thanks for posting that info, it hasn’t yet popped up in my news feed. I wonder what the impact will be from interrupting both interstate and river traffic.

Delayed maintenance of infrastructure challenges is so prevalen, it is a wonder that we don’t see more of this. Not saying delayed maintenance is what caused this particular issue, but just made me think about the many bridges that need upkeep.