I ain't limiting my words yo

<p>"Tell us about yourself in 250 words"</p>

<p>I don't thank so! How much can I push this?</p>

<p>don't try to condense 18 years of your life into 250 words. pick one unique thing about you, and write about that.</p>

<p>My guidance counselor told me that you can push it pretty far...as long as you're not boring the adcoms to death...</p>

<p>okay, i was exaggerating. the question, in a nutshell is to explain your academic interests and what led to them. that's a lot to say for a future poli sci major who grew up on CSPAN to say the least!</p>

<p>we can't help u much if you don't give us the right info....</p>

<p>yeah you...you...you...</p>

<p>250 words is just inhumane. it stunts your creativity.</p>

<p>No it doesn't. I like shorter essays. They force me to be concise and not so freaking wordy.</p>

<p>A max word count is not stifling. It's in place to limit babbling, which does not equal creativity, nor does it necessarily make interesting reading. Make your point and be done with it.</p>

<p>If you're a creative writer, 250 words is more than enough to paint a general yet unique picture of yourself. Indeed, the 250 word limits are made to limit the senseless babbling and to keep the adcoms from dying of boredom - they're reading tons of essays and one that's double the length won't exactly make them too happy. If your essay is longer than it should be, it better be a smooth flowing masterpiece.</p>