I am a smoker...now how to tell my parents

<p>by “decision”, do you mean you thought about it and decided it was a good idea? An acceptable plan? You did not reject it as a habit? </p>

<p>Come on- it’ll kill ya. Without a doubt. YOu probably won’t be able to quit later. Stop now. </p>

<p>There’s a reason you were afraid to tell your parents. It’s a stupid habit. It’s unacceptable almost everywhere but in your own home or car. People generally look down on you as a moron if you do it.There is no doubt that it is very harmful to your health and the health of others.</p>

<p>fordguy, I don’t want to lecture you. You know it’s a bad habit. You know the risks.</p>

<p>I watched my mom die of lung cancer after years of us kids begging for her to stop smoking.
We grew up choking on her second hand smoke. My siblings and I spent most of the winters coughing because of the smoke, but even that wasn’t enough to make her want to quit. We begged for the smoking to stop. She never even attempted to quit until she had one of her cancerous lungs cut out. I think she was using the nicotine to self medicate her depression.</p>

<p>Put yourself in your Mom’s shoes. She loves you. She’s wondering why after all the years of raising you and trying to keep you safe and healthy, you would intentionally choose to put yourself in harms way (by smoking). Sure, it’s your choice. However, understand that your choices in life also effect those around you. If either of my kids decided to start smoking, it would break my heart.</p>

<p>cabhax, I hope for your safety you don’t say those kind of things in public. Or perhaps you just weren’t clear in your post - did you mean that being gay is “worse” socially than being a smoker? Because that would be understandable. </p>

<p>However, if your post was meant to be taken literally, you should know that it is offensive to many people. Also, “worst” is incorrect - use “worse”.</p>

<p>No idea why you’d even start, I frankly don’t even care. You sound like an attention whore. You’ve broken your parents’ hearts, yet you’re going to do it “because I have no desire to quit.” </p>

<p>I suggest to all the people here who are pouring out there hearts, and trust me I can sympathize with you as I know tragedy at the hands of cigarettes, stop bothering. He’s either enjoying it and feeding his addiction with it, or completely disregarding what you have to say.</p>

<p>I’m sorry, but I just can’t believe that someone would devastate their family just to smoke a cig. Why not use one of those e-cig things? Virtually none of the harmful effects of a cig. Or man up and quit, if for no ones sake but the people who care for you.</p>