I am Half Kaqchikel, am I also half Native American?

<p>Just a question, my fathers side of the family are all Kaqchikel Guatemalan. So while we are native to the Americas, I have always marked myself as Hispanic only. Would I also count as Native American? I feel like the option is only for people of U.S. native origins, rather than natives of the whole Americas. My grandparents still speak Kaqchikel, and my father speaks a little... but other than a phrase or two... I don't.</p>

<p>I am also half German, and look more white than native. I just don't know, do I also count as Native?</p>

<p>Lulz, I always wandered about this. If someone is a south or central American indigenous from both parents, what are they supposed to put down on applications that count Latino/Hispanic as an ethnicity but not a race? Certainly they’re not black, white, or Asian.</p>

<p>I have a friend in the same boat as you, (only he is mopan? maya), and he’s always marked himself as hispanic/latino only. I really don’t know =/?</p>

<p>Use the Search function on this forum for ‘native american’ and you will find several threads discussing this.</p>

<p>Ok, well started the common app and this question showed up:</p>

<p>Regardless of your answer to the prior question, please indicate how you identify yourself. (Check one or more)
-American Indian or Alaska Native (including all Original Peoples of the Americas)
Which best describes your background?
-Alaska Native
-Other </p>

<p>-(Explain other: )
Currently this what I have written down:
Kaqchikel (Guatemala) I am half Kaqchikel </p>

<p>The wording: “all Original Peoples of the Americas” has me thinking its ok to select this option. What do you all think?</p>

<p>Here are two of the threads that come up in the Search that I recommended above:</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/hispanic-students/995834-hispanic-native-american-both.html?highlight=native+american[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/hispanic-students/995834-hispanic-native-american-both.html?highlight=native+american&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/hispanic-students/695769-hispanic-native-american-college-app.html?highlight=native+american[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/hispanic-students/695769-hispanic-native-american-college-app.html?highlight=native+american&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Yes, the CA definition of AI/AN includes all Original Peoples of the Americas, so OP from S & C American are included and you would be accurate to include yourself in this category. Do be aware that the AI/AN group is mainly aimed at N. American tribes, so I’m not sure what the impact on college admissions would be for you. Also be prepared for some colleges to ask for verification of your tribal affiliation.</p>