I am looking for suggestions of schools for my son to transfer to for January 2024 [starting 4th semester at the new college]

Yes. That’s why I suggested in my post that if a legal studies major is too specialized, there are options for minoring in law-related areas and majoring in one of the fields in Dornsife College of Arts and Science (like political science, econ, or whatever his interests are) or in the Price School of Public Policy. But you are correct: you can go onto law school from any undergraduate major. USC and NW offer both a specialized option through a legal studies major or simply by providing strong undergraduate programs and access to pre-law advising.

The simplest way to avoid an excessive Greek influence in social activities may be to avoid schools with high participation in fraternities and sororities:



Well he got into Wake - so his HS transcript must be good enough!!! If it’s even looked at.

Why a Spring transfer vs. staying one more year? Just thinking it might open more options.

Yes…he should check to see not only if spring transfers are accepted at all or in any significant numbers in the spring AND what (if any) orientation programs, housing, scheduling arrangements are in place to help spring transfers acclimate to a new school.

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My bad. I meant Burlington (VT)


What about William and Mary? Richmond?

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too close to home (DC area)

If he could get into BC I’d be happy to have it take one more semester to make it work! Or, take summer classes.

Thats fine but I still recommend that he check out the requirements before he applies. To me it is important that students “buy in” to the Jesuit core. And depending on his coursework and the requirements it may take more than one extra semester to graduate (or he may be able to graduate on time).

My S went to a Jesuit college and had a fantastic experience (he got a very well rounded education) while my D nixed the idea of Jesuit colleges as she had very defined interests she wanted to pursue in college and felt such a large core would get in her way.

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I have a couple of suggestions.

What about Fordham?

My kid went to Santa Clara University and there are no TAs teaching there, at all. Greek life is under 10%.

What major?

Does he eventually want to study abroad?

When my daughter was at this same “considering a transfer” point in the spring of her first year, she decided to apply to study abroad sophomore spring. That way, she could return for sophomore fall as your son is doing, knowing that she’d be off campus anyway in the spring, and she could submit transfer applications for junior fall before leaving to go abroad. As it turned out, things turned a corner and she decided to stay, but it was a good plan - she could have made a fresh start at a new school after her semester abroad, if she’d decided to. (And as others have noted, there are more options for a junior fall transfer than for sophomore spring.) If your son is interested in doing this, he should look into it right away - it’s often necessary to start the paperwork for study abroad a year in advance.


I was going to suggest the same as @aquapt .

The choices will be much more limited if you only can consider spring transfers, so going abroad that semester is a way to leave Wake sooner without compromising on choice.

I’d also point out that at many of the rural LACs, most students are dying to get away for one or two semesters junior year (although some go earlier and later.) This could have an impact on his experience as an incoming student. It’s not necessarily bad – a new face would be welcome – but he’d be joining a class at its most transient point.

This isn’t meant to be discouraging, but it may help in the determination of which schools will offer the expert he’s seeking.


Just FYI, W&M has a great sailing club. They sail out of a beautiful marina on the James River at Kingsmill. It’s a large and social club.


I understand that it doesn’t check that particular box but isn’t it better to compromise on geography vs fit? It doesn’t have to be the top choice for it to be worth exploring.

FWIW, my kid wanted to leave the state. She didn’t even leave the town :joy: but we give her space and don’t see her or have her home any more than the average parent.


I don’t believe Northwestern takes spring transfer students. If I were you, I would make a list of schools and do that checking first. When our D was considering transferring, we found many of the schools she was interested in did not allow spring transfers so that meant she either finished her entire soph year at her original school or took time off and applied to transfer for fall.


He is probably Poli Sci, History. He wants to go to law school.

Good suggestion! Will look into. A huge portion of Wake students study abroad and they seem to go in the Fall of Junior year for some reason. I don’t know if they allow sophs to study abroad but will check it out.

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