I am OOS do i have a shot at Irvine and/or Davis?


<p>I am interested in chem, physics, or bio.</p>

<p>3.45 unweighted (maybe around 3.8 weighted)
2030 SAT
740 Physics SAT2
5 AP Physics
taking AP Chem this year and AP Bio next year
my california gpa is a 4.0 </p>

volunteered in Africa at an orphanage for a few weeks in the summer
will volunteer at a local hospital this summer</p>

<p>I am out of state so do I have a shot?</p>

<p>Irvine much more likely than Davis, which is getting pretty competitive for instaters. Take the Chem subject test this year – you need two.</p>


You might want to double-check your UC GPA. For OOS, only AP or IB classes are given extra weight - not honors classes. Use only sophomore and junior year grades, only academic classes. Add one point for each of up to four years of AP/IB (8 semesters) only two (four semesters) of which can be in sophomore year.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/paths_to_adm/freshman/scholarship_reqs.html[/url]”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/paths_to_adm/freshman/scholarship_reqs.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Oh wow its a 3.5 then</p>



<p>Not sure what you mean. Irvine has a higher average gpa for admitted freshmen, as well as an overall lower acceptance rate.</p>

<p>OP, you have a decent shot at both in my opinion.</p>

<p>Not only do you need 2 SAT subject tests- they need to be in two different areas</p>

<p>“Two SAT Subject Tests.
These must be in two different areas, chosen from the following: English, history and social studies, mathematics (Level 2 only), science or language other than English.”</p>

<p>I believe that means that you couldn’t just take two science SATs.</p>

<p>thanks for your advice. i am thinking about flying to california to visit but i want to make sure that i have a shot with these two (i prefer irvine though). do you think i have a good chance?</p>

<p>Average gpa was 4.01 and average SAT was 1900~ for irvine last year</p>

<p>David was pretty close to that. </p>

<p>Your shot at both is unlikely considering your OOS although they might admit more due to the higher tuition you will pay.</p>



<p>GPA for matriculants is almost identical. Davis has marginally higher test scores, but very close. The difference is the applicant pools at the extremes: Davis has more 2100’s and fewer <1000’s than Irvine. Many in Davis’ upper end are accepted but also get accepted into (and attend) other UC’s.</p>

<p>Irvine is a growing campus, so its taking more students each year. Of course, who knows what they will do this year with the state $$ reductions.</p>



<p>Ok. You do realize that the applicant pools for these two schools are identical, right? That’s a product of the universal UC application, where you “apply” to a school by marking a box.</p>

<p>As to your second claim, Irvine actually reduced its freshman class significantly last year (by around 600, i think) and will do so again this year.</p>

<p>Davis also has more ELCers than Irvine, which is of negative help to an OOS’er. I agree that statistically, they are the same. But my opinion, for what little anything is worth on an anonymous board, is that Irvine is “easier” for an OOS acceptance. Davis has more high test acceptances, which obviously means less lower test acceptances. DAvis has more ELC’ers locking up spots. Perhaps only marginally so, but that’s my opinion from watching cc kids over the past 5 years.</p>

<p>Yes, every year is different, but we only have previous stats on which to guess. Doh!</p>

<p>The UCs are expected to accept more OOS applicants this year. There is no way to know for sure until the numbers come out. Preliminary numbers are usually available by summer; official numbers should come out in the fall.</p>



<p>Irvine is harder to get into than Davis. Irvine always receives more applicants than Davis (over 2000 more for this year). It would be easier for an OOS applicant to get into UC Davis if only slightly. I actually know several OOS who are attending Davis.</p>