<p>with only the ACT! IS THIS BAD ?</p>
<p>No 10chars</p>
<p>nope. depends on how you did, but it definitely won’t hurt that you didn’t include the SAT. are you from the midwest?</p>
<p>as long as you have one of them and as long as it’s high enough (33+ is perfect), then you’re fine… even if you sent in an SAT, they’d just choose the higher one (to a degree… if you have a 33 and an 1800, then maybe not; the sat would hurt… but a 33 and a 2100, then they’d just look at the 33)</p>
<p>you’re fine</p>
<p>I have an 31… And 2000 sat… I know it’s low but everything else is very competitive for yale… I cross my fingers! And i thought 31 act looks better than 2000 sat…</p>
<p>I sent in a 30 ACT and I am in the same situation as you are with everything else relatively competitive. So…it better be ok lol</p>
<p>a 31 is slightly better than a 2000, but sending both those scores in won’t hurt… they are a little low for yale, but you can definitely make up for it in ECs, leadership roles, essays, etc.</p>
<p>CHAOTICORDER : did u get contacted already for an interview ? i’m still waiting…</p>
<p>I already had my interview</p>
<p>So then this really means that if I submitted both my SAT and ACT scores (2070 and 33), they will only look at the 33?
<p>Yes, because your 33 is a much stronger score. Kudos</p>
<p>yeah, b/c your 2070 is fine… if you had a 1800 and a 33, then the 1800 would have hurt you b/c they would have thought of your ACT as a fluke. but a 2070 is fine, and the 33 will be the main score</p>