<p>Part of Post 26 emphasized this, "Don't forget, it comes down to the entire application, not just the numbers. "</p>
<p>While that is true, at the same time, when it comes to public universities, virtually all of the factors that are considered for admissions are: stats (gpa, scores), state of residence (being out of state is a disadvantage), and whether the student has taken the required coursework. </p>
<p>I've seen articles describing the admissions process at publics, and literally one admissions officer can make the decision in 10 minutes, including reviewing the whole application. If the OP Googles, perhaps the OP can find an article written about 2 years ago that described admissions at a Fla. public university (i think it was U of S. Florida). The admissions officer literally went through the app to make sure it was complete, checked to make sure the student had taken the required coursework and had stats within the range the university accepted, and the entire admission/rejection decision depended on those things.</p>
<p>ECs, essay, recommendations weren't important except that the student had to have whatever # of essays and recommendations the school required.</p>
<p>Of course, if a student is a recruited athlete (particularly a football player because teams are so big), there's a lot more lenience in terms of acceptable stats.</p>
<p>Also it's important to realize that most colleges accept the majority of their applicants, and most students get into their first choice university. Most students go to college within about 200 miles of home, and aren't going to highly competitive private universities or to flagship state universities. B+ students can get into most universities in the country.</p>