I can't choose a major!! Please help!

<p>I am an undergraduate sophomore transfer student. I apply to schools Next semester and I am freaking out on what major to choose. I am currently a psychology major. I enjoy the subject but I honestly don't see myself doing anything in psychology. I have taken classes in sociology, Spanish, geology and health. They all really interest me. I feel like I have a variety of interest and I can't narrow it down because I really love variety!
Im not so great at/don't enjoy Math above algebra, history, or English
I also volunteer at a hospital which I love. </p>

<p>I need help choosing a major with some variety in social sciences and Health or something with some variety. Please help! </p>

<p>There are lots of jobs that don’t require a specific degree as preparation so just pick something you think you’ll enjoy and go for it. How about anthropology, film studies, or art history? Do anything that will broaden your horizons and fine tune your critical thinking and communication skills, since those skills will all help you sell yourself to an employer. </p>