<p>Basically fill in the blank and post "me too" if you agree with the person above or "I don't mind" if you do agree. The number one rule is not to post anything racially, religiously or sexually offensive; simply keep it respectful. Let see how far this goes, I'll start...</p>
<p>I hate it when people wear sunglasses indoors.</p>
<p>^ me too for all of the ones already said.
I hate bad grammar. And people saying that they love or know a lot about something that they don’t. That sounds terrible. But it really p****s me off.</p>
<p>I hate it when I’m in a room with 10 other people and a mosquito, I walk out with 10 mosquito bites, while others are unscathed. <= five of which are on the same leg.</p>
<p>I hate it when people are sticklers when it comes to punctuality and get mad at you when you’re just a few minutes late (to something informal–not school, work, etc).</p>
<p>That would be awful! So if I was in your circumstance, me too!</p>
<p>I can’t stand it when someone enters a room in which I’m watching a movie/playing a video game, flips the light on, then leaves without turning it off. It’s so annoying to have to pause everything, climb out from under a pile of blankets and walk to the wall to turn off the light. Biggest. Pet peeve. Ever.</p>