I Desperately need to Improve my Critical Reading

<p>Cr : 610
M : 760
W : 780</p>

<p>Very unbalanced.
I will take the May SAT.
I will study like crazy for a 700+. Im desperate for it.
Does anyone have some ways that would help me?</p>

<p>P.S. On the December SAT I got a 600 and January I got a 610. :(</p>

<p>My advice is to study hard, and while studying pay excruciating attention to why the right answer is indeed right. There is a strict format, and a set of rules to live by, and it’s better to learn them yourself than to have someone explain them to you. For example though, the right answer is always supported visibly somewhere in the text better than the rest of the answers. If you practice a lot, you’ll get a better feeling for which answer is better supported.</p>