I didn't get my financial aid information yet -- did you have to deposit first?

<p>I didn't get my financial aid information yet -- did you have to deposit first?</p>

<p>No. Holding financial information until after the student deposits is incredibly depraved and breathtakingly high-handed and venal. No college in America has the cojones to try that yet. Maybe 20 years from now, but not today.</p>

<p>You should contact your financial aid administrator to make sure that your packet had been mailed out. It either has been and hasn’t arrived yet or is just about to be mailed at.</p>

<p>y’ know where you log into their information systems and check your application status and stuff?</p>

<p>if you were offered financial aid it should say that as well.
under your “applicant name”
but above your “processed applications, admission term, fall 2010, etc” </p>

<p>hope that helps</p>