Hello, this is sophomore of USC currently enrolled in History major (formerly IR major which I found difficult), and I am not feeling great about my major for multiple reasons. The major is useless for job application unless you seek to masters degree, while the income is still comparably low. I am really struggling with timed essays, making the duty more onerous and painful. Is there any other alternative major I can tackle in the same school, or is it okay to change my school in sophomore year?
It sounds like you need individualized academic advising as well as job/career counseling. Surely there are people at USC who can help you out. The opinions of random anonymous CC members is not the way to make these decisions.
Looks like you’d make an excellent USC English major.
Obviously the OP is pre-law!
Why would you need to change universities? Certainly USC with its breadth should have something for you? What direction did you intend to take your original I degree once you graduated?
I assume you mean school within USC. Yes of course, you can change anytime, but early is better so you don’t “waste” courses or miss requirements than chain together (like econ for business majors). You may need to meet certain criteria to “apply” to that school but if you meet those it can be easy to change depending on where you are trying to go. First step, make appointment with your advisor asap, (they can take awhile to get into sometimes) so do it right away or see if there are walk in times. They can put you in touch with career counseling. A lot of students change majors or struggle with what to do. You aren’t supposed to know everything when you get there. Good luck!
Hey there, I’m also a USC History major. Your problem with the timed essays is easily fixable – just go to Student Disability and ask to get tested for extra-time, they’ll almost always give it to you. I have the minimum amount awarded, 1.5x (so a two hour final gives me three hours to complete it), and it has been invaluable to this point. There is even a chance you could be awarded double-time.
The question of the “practicality” of a History major, especially from a financial standpoint, has been a big issue for me that I’ve come to live with. The bottom line is that I love History and plan to pursue a Ph.D. if I can, but I have taken up pre-law to provide an alternate, more financially secure back-up option. No matter how you look at it though, History majors pretty much do require graduate school in order to have solid careers. Dornsife does have many majors, but all the most profitable ones after 4 years are math based (which I hate). Changing schools does require an internal admissions process, but if you truly think this is the path for you I would recommend you speak to an adviser immediately as you are a sophomore.