I don't get Dartmouth's score choice policy?

<p>So anyways Dartmouth says they allow you to use score choice but when I go to the CB website, the warning page pops up when I try to use score choice because Dartmouth also says that they recommend that all score be sent. Should I use score choice or not? I'm sending all decent scores but I don't want to send some really bad scores (650, 620 and 570 in SAT IIs)</p>

<p>I'm confused :)</p>


<p>Bump. I need to send these scores in 24 hours so this is sort of urgent.</p>

<p>I would send all the scores just to be safe. Most, if not all colleges will take your highest scores.</p>

<p>Bump 10char</p>

<p>You should be fine w/ score choice as long as you send at least 1 SATI/ACT and 2 SATIIs.
But if they’re telling the truth is shouldn;t hurt to send all your scores.</p>

<p>Check these links</p>

<p>[Dartmouth</a> Admissions Uncommonly Asked Questions: What test scores will you look at if I have taken the SAT, Subject Tests, or ACT multiple times?](<a href=“http://dartmouthquestions.blogspot.com/2009/10/what-test-scores-will-you-look-at-if-i.html]Dartmouth”>Dartmouth Admissions Uncommonly Asked Questions: What test scores will you look at if I have taken the SAT, Subject Tests, or ACT multiple times?)
[Dartmouth</a> Admissions Uncommonly Asked Questions: Can I use Score Choice for the SAT I?](<a href=“http://dartmouthquestions.blogspot.com/2009/09/can-i-use-score-choice-for-sat-i.html]Dartmouth”>Dartmouth Admissions Uncommonly Asked Questions: Can I use Score Choice for the SAT I?)</p>

<p>I think their policy is basically uf you have some scores that really suck (i.e. my 620) than your free not to send those but don’t just send your very best scores. I will send in my top 2 ACTs just to show improvement and I think I’m just gonna send in the 770 and 710. I’ll double check with the admissions office once they get back in the office.</p>

<p>I didn’t see any warning pop-up (???)</p>

<p>I sent in three SAT IIs (I did not send a 670 and a 600)
I sent in my SAT I also … even though I also sent my ACT (which was much better)</p>