I don't know where to go to college

Just going to say “Buy nothing group” We finished my son’s first real apartment this way. Depending on your area it can work out well. Also lots of schools have downloaded books. My kids barely bought books but you can find used also.

Both of my kids worked 10-15 /week depending on their schedule. This helps for expenses and even to pay down small loans.

Summer work /internships can help pay back some loans also and get money for the next year. My daughter babysat professors kids as one of her jobs. She had a job in the delivery room at her dorm and mostly studied during that time and got paid since her shift wasn’t busy.

Congratulations on your opportunities. Go away since it seems like you can afford it. Work this summer also to get some money to pay for the things your worried about. Also some colleges have access to books etc for those that can’t afford it. Look into that now.

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