I don't want HYP! Chance me for "normal" schools please!

<p>I'll try to be quick...I hope
White Junior
Good Public School</p>

680 CR 660 M 580 W
700 CR 740 M 730 W (Best...1440/2170)
630 CR 710 M 680 W (Does this matter? ahh)</p>

<p>ACT: 31 (won't send most likely)</p>

<p>GPA: All A's, this year will have 88-91 in Honors English probably
UW: ~96
W: 101-103ish</p>

<p>3 APs so far, 4 next year, all non-APs are honors that don't have APs (except no AP English next year, just Honors)</p>

<p>Only one score so far from last year, AP World History- 4, I'd say I got one 4 one 5 on AP US and Physics, mayyyybe two 5s probably not</p>

<p>98 avg in AP Physics and 98 in AP US</p>

<p>Next year:
AP Economics
AP Calc BC
AP Physics C
AP Statistics/Spanish 5/Advanced Marketing (WHICH ONE?)
Honors English</p>

<p>SAT IIs:
World: 680 err
Taking US, Physics, and Math II </p>

<p>Soccer all 3 years, Varsity last year
awards: hardest worker (9th) mvp offense (10th), rookie of the year (11th), scholar athlete award (11th), section semifinals (11th)</p>

<p>Tennis all 3 years, Varsity all 3
9th: 4th Doubles only one loss, league champs
10th: 2nd Singles, Coach's Award
11th: 1st singles, league champs</p>

<p>Played Hockey in 9th Grade, MVP offense
Broke leg in 10th- no winter sport, and no winter sport in 11th</p>

<p>I do NHS, History Honor Society (running for treasurer...), and Spanish Honor Society (running for President...ahh)</p>

<p>DECA- Regional 1st Place- Internet Marketing, couldn't go to states because partner couldn't come</p>

<p>A little volunteering, I plan to do more this summer</p>

<p>About 3 hours a week tutoring for honor societies</p>

<p>Pleeeaase chance me for....</p>

<p>Wharton (dream), or UPenn A+S
Stanford (again)
Notre Dame

<p>Also, any way to narrow it down? I can't apply to all of these lol. And of course I have safeties...Rutgers maybe somewhere else.</p>

<p>Thank you so much, I know it's painful to read.</p>

Please help!</p>

<p>Dont apply to UNC,UMich,USC,or BC! I have my reasons....</p>

<p>You said you wanted "normal" schools (from which I assume you meant schools that are not quite as selective as HYP), but you listed UPenn, Stanford, Cornell, and Georgetown, which are probably about as selective, and the rest of the schools on your list are also very selective as well. Not that I don't think you have good chances, but these schools aren't that far off from HYP in terms of selectivity.</p>

<p>I'd say that you have average chances at Cornell, Stanford, Georgetown, and Wharton -- you have good stats, but plenty of students whose stats meet or exceed yours will be applying to these schools as well. Can you leverage your sports to help you? Tennis and soccer aren't exactly in high demand and low supply, but some schools do look favorably upon players.</p>

<p>My SAT scores were around the same as yours, EC similar minus the sports, and my GPA was lower. I got accepted to Emory, and I was recommended by teachers to apply to Duke and Davidson -- I think the chances there are probably around the same with Emory. Same thing with Vanderbilt.</p>

<p>Getting into those public universities, particularly U-Mich and UNC, are going to be difficult from OOS. Getting funding may be even more difficult.</p>

<p>As far as narrowing it down, it appears to me that a lot of these unis are selected on the basis of their reputation and not much else -- they're pretty diverse in terms of student bodies, rural/suburban/urban, location in the country, etc. If you know that you'd be miserable in a rural area, don't apply to rural schools. If you want medium-sized colleges, rule out the incredibly small and incredibly large. If you don't know, then mix and match and apply to a patchwork of different types, then visit after you're admitted.</p>

<p>As for the classes, for me the decision is really between AP Statistics and Spanish 5. Depends on what you plan to do -- statistics will be helpful for a future social science major, Spanish will be helpful if you want to study abroad or try to pass over foreign language requirements completely.</p>

<p>UVA is a reach OOS. Don't know much about the others.</p>

<p>Lawl @ Stanford being a "normal school"</p>

<p>Gosh what a rebel you are, OP :P</p>

<p>I know Stanford and Wharton are as selective as the top few schools, I didn't actually mean I wasn't looking at selective schools, just that I won't be heartbroken if I get into "only the 20th ranked school," I would be ecstatic to go to any of these schools. Also, about picking these schools, I am having trouble since I only know that I don't want a small school, so you're right, I just picked these based on prestige and visits. At first I picked the top undergraduate business programs, but now I realize I'm not sure about it so I would probably be happy majoring in economics instead of business, or even something completely different.</p>

<p>Also, I'm probably not good enough at any sport to play varsity anywhere; I won't be recruited.</p>

<p>Thanks to everyone... any other opinions?</p>

<p>According to this board, you can have a 4.0, 1000 hours of community service, 5 jobs, a 2400 on the SATs, 36 on the ACT, be Student Council President,etc. etc. and UVA is still a reach if you're out of state.</p>

<p>Lol, but seriously, is UVA really a reach? (it may be my top choice)</p>

<p>UVA is no joke. Just cause its not "Ivy League" doesnt mean its a given that even someone of your quality will get accepeted. You might but maybe not. Hell yea its a reach if youre out of state</p>

<p>I know UVA is no joke; I really hope I get in.</p>