<p>I'll try to be quick...I hope
White Junior
Good Public School</p>
680 CR 660 M 580 W
700 CR 740 M 730 W (Best...1440/2170)
630 CR 710 M 680 W (Does this matter? ahh)</p>
<p>ACT: 31 (won't send most likely)</p>
<p>GPA: All A's, this year will have 88-91 in Honors English probably
UW: ~96
W: 101-103ish</p>
<p>3 APs so far, 4 next year, all non-APs are honors that don't have APs (except no AP English next year, just Honors)</p>
<p>Only one score so far from last year, AP World History- 4, I'd say I got one 4 one 5 on AP US and Physics, mayyyybe two 5s probably not</p>
<p>98 avg in AP Physics and 98 in AP US</p>
<p>Next year:
AP Economics
AP Calc BC
AP Physics C
AP Statistics/Spanish 5/Advanced Marketing (WHICH ONE?)
Honors English</p>
<p>SAT IIs:
World: 680 err
Taking US, Physics, and Math II </p>
<p>Soccer all 3 years, Varsity last year
awards: hardest worker (9th) mvp offense (10th), rookie of the year (11th), scholar athlete award (11th), section semifinals (11th)</p>
<p>Tennis all 3 years, Varsity all 3
9th: 4th Doubles only one loss, league champs
10th: 2nd Singles, Coach's Award
11th: 1st singles, league champs</p>
<p>Played Hockey in 9th Grade, MVP offense
Broke leg in 10th- no winter sport, and no winter sport in 11th</p>
<p>I do NHS, History Honor Society (running for treasurer...), and Spanish Honor Society (running for President...ahh)</p>
<p>DECA- Regional 1st Place- Internet Marketing, couldn't go to states because partner couldn't come</p>
<p>A little volunteering, I plan to do more this summer</p>
<p>About 3 hours a week tutoring for honor societies</p>
<p>Pleeeaase chance me for....</p>
<p>Wharton (dream), or UPenn A+S
Stanford (again)
Notre Dame
<p>Also, any way to narrow it down? I can't apply to all of these lol. And of course I have safeties...Rutgers maybe somewhere else.</p>
<p>Thank you so much, I know it's painful to read.</p>