I fear I may have screwed it up.

<p>Looking back on my grades earlier this year (Freshman), I slapped myself for not trying. I didn't apply myself as well as I could have, nor did I have any real motivation.</p>

<p>My lowest grade was a C (in an art class), and this was quite terrible for me. Not to mention, I didn't take as many AP/honors classes as I could have.</p>

<p>After my first semester I never made lower than a 95, but I'm really stressed that I might not have taken as much math classes this year to anticipate taking as much as is needed by most technical schools. (I'm trying to fit in as many math/science classes into my entire high school curriculum as possible.) As someone whose goal is to get into a nice college, you can see how this might affect me.</p>

<p>I was considering making up some B grades in summer school (as well as trying to achieve an extra credit or two, as I feel it's really important for me to get ahead in math). However, I have doubts as to the efficiency of this method, or even if it will work.</p>

<p>Did I blow it for my future, or are there ways (apart from EC, as I already take a few and do plan to take many more) that I can make this up? Would the voluntary summer school method (for all three years) work, or would it be best to simply replace electives with other classes? I'm really much smarter than what my first semester grades reflect, but I can't get it out of my mind that I've completely screwed up my hopes somehow.</p>

<p>By the way, I obviously don't plan to make this mistake again.</p>

<p>If you will, which schools are you planning on applying to?</p>

<p>you're a freshman?
calm down, you seem like you're on the right track</p>

<p>Don't sweat it - many colleges look at your freshman year as a transition year and don't even look at your freshman grades.</p>

<p>That's something I didn't look into with extensive detail - there aren't many great technological schools that appeal to me (other than the ones that I probably have no chance at, no matter how hard I try). There's a large number of colleges that appeal to me right now, not all of them are tech colleges, but I feel as though I have this entire summer to make my choice...</p>

<p>I strive to expand my possibilities of acceptance as high up the list of colleges as possible.</p>

<p>You'll never get into college. Start collecting soda cans now.</p>

<p>Freshman, calm down. Go to your activities and study. That's it though.</p>

<p>You have four years until college. Enjoy high school. If you do, you'll probably end up somewhere good. :)</p>

<p>Yeah well, at least someone didn't say "wow a C? I would surprised if you even got in a community college."</p>

<p>Obviously, you could have done better, but it's best not to regret it now. Just do better in your next years of high school and don't slack off. You're still a freshman, many colleges don't even look at Freshman GPA. Where do you want to go to, specifically, though?</p>

<p>Most schools will also recalculate your GPA without nonacademic classes and will only give them minimal consideration.</p>