I feel like I screwed up on the activities section...

<p>Ok so I was just looking at the pdf version of the common app, and some of the short descriptions were cut off since it was converted to pdf. I completely overlooked viewing the pdf version closely when I submitted for ED. How would this look at admissions? Would this screw up my app in any way? I mean what's done is done, but I'm kinda freaking out right now over this.</p>

<p>well, i don’t know if you saw this but on the common app activities section, right at the top where the directions are, there’s a link that says something like “your response may be cut off.” if you click on it, it talks more about why stuff is cut off but it also says that colleges are aware that there is limited space on the pdf. so, i’m guessing that admissions officers know why some apps have cut off answers. i don’t think this would reflect really badly on you since i’m sure other kids have the same problem but honestly, its kind of useless to worry know since once you submit it, you can’t change it anymore.</p>

<p>I had the same problem. I thought that since they view it online, they will be able to see the whole thing.</p>

<p>Many people probably had this problem. But:</p>

<p>What is done is done.</p>

<p>No point in worrying over spilled milk. Because if we do then we’ll become crazy.</p>

<p>I got so depressed after seeing I had done very horrible on my SAT the third time…I blanked out that school day, and wouldn’t answer anyone. So I went to my GC, seeking to be comforted a bit…and she told me “What is done is done”.</p>

<p>And it’s true.</p>