I got differed do I have a chance?

How hard is it to get into VT after getting deferred with a 1280 Sat and 3.35
applying for a Business major, Corps of Cadets?

You got Deferred not Differed.

I would start there and think long and hard about it between now and when regular admissions are announced. Good Luck!

You still have a good chance! If you weren’t going to be actively considered in the next round, then you would have been rejected. Try to keep your grades as high as possible by the end of 1st semester. Other than that, you’ve already done everything you can. Keep faith and focus on your classes.

@ITBTERP91, I’d hope that we, as parents, can cut the poster a bit of slack for typos. The student has probably had a long day.


I recently came across this page on the VA Tech website: http://www.ir.vt.edu/data/student/admissions.html which can provide some context to you on what type of numbers the prior years’ incoming freshmen had in your particular major, as well as other info.

For example, if you click on the “entering freshman profile by cohort”, you can do a search by college and then by major to see what the stats were on the entering freshman for that major. This includes GPA, SAT/ACT, gender, race, and the number of people enrolled as freshman in the major.

Through the “applications, offers, enrollees” link, you can see the number of applications they received, school wide or by college or by major, and how many enrolled.

Although these are just numbers and not definitive on what may happen with you, it may help you assess if you’re in the ballpark of people who enrolled in past years in your major. It is important to note, however, that people may have been accepted but not entered as freshman so this data is not all-inclusive as far as who was accepted.

Good luck!


really appreciate the feedback thanks.