I got into MIT...here is the letter (online decision)

<p>MIT released decisions online …..
I got a call from CMU…..Not a likely letter</p>

<p>I removed my name for obvious reasons</p>

<p>"Dear ****,</p>

<p>On behalf of the Admissions Committee, it is my pleasure to offer you admission to the MIT Class of 2010. You were identified as one of the most talented and promising students in one of MIT's most competitive applicant pools ever. Your commitment to personal excellence makes you stand out as someone who will thrive within our academic environment as well as contribute to our diverse community. At MIT, you join kindred spirits: scholars, builders, entrepreneurs, and humanitarians. We believe that you and MIT are very well matched for each other.</p>

<p>You'll have offers from many fine schools, but we hope that you'll choose to enroll at MIT. The deadline to accept our offer is May 1, and you'll soon receive a reply form via postal mail. Between now and then, though, we look forward to building our relationship with you so you can get to know us better. Over the next several months, we'll be in touch by email, over the phone and via your MyMIT portal account. If you have applied for financial aid, you’ll soon receive correspondence from that office as well. And click here for a list of local Admitted Student Parties, happening all over the world.</p>

<p>Many of our students believe that the campus visit experience was the deciding factor in their choice to enroll at MIT. Therefore, we'd love to have you be our guest for Campus Preview Weekend (CPW), held on the MIT campus from April 6 through 9, 2006. CPW is an excellent way to experience MIT student life firsthand. You will go to classes, eat the food, listen to hallway conversations, and meet your future classmates. We encourage your parents to attend as well.</p>

<p>If you can't come to CPW, please try to visit campus before May 1. To make arrangements to stay overnight with an undergraduate host, complete the online request form on the MyMIT website or just call the Office of Admissions at (617) 253-4791. If you are unable to visit the campus but are eager to get to know MIT, you'll have the chance to speak with a current undergraduate soon; an MIT student will be calling you in April.</p>

<p>I hope this letter is the one you were expecting and that it brings you the exhilaration you deserve to feel. I also hope that you will take the night off to celebrate with your loved ones. But as a mother, I expect you to get right back to work and finish up the year with top grades, since we don't admit slackers to MIT and this offer of admission is contingent upon your successful completion of the school year. No senior slump allowed!</p>

<p>Finally, I hope you'll agree with us that MIT is the perfect place to prepare you for your future role in a world that badly needs you. Congratulations and welcome to the MIT Class of 2010. I look forward to seeing you on campus.</p>


<p>Marilee Jones
Dean of Admissions</p>

<p>P.S. Don't forget to visit the Campus Preview Weekend web site to begin making your travel plans!"</p>

<p>Was this directed to anyone specifically? I don't remember anyone doubting your admission (just a bunch of ppl who said you were lucky).</p>

<p>Congratulations on both colleges though! You must feel very proud of yourself.</p>

<p>Some one wanted proof</p>

<p>mathgirl.......things happen for a reason...you will see...I have gone through hell for over a year now...i finally can sleep.... I hope you are just playing “Kill”.
Your stats are awesome….you’ll succeed anywhere you go….</p>

<p>congratulations phiandstuff</p>

<p>Can I know your stats phiandstuff?</p>

<p>Wow, congrats. <em>high five</em></p>

<p>Wow, I still can't believe you got in. </p>

<p>Phiandstuff, what do you think enabled you to get accepted?</p>

<p>I thought CMU was a reach for you. I guess I was extremely wrong.</p>

<p>^Perhaps its not that you were "extremely wrong," but instead that you, just like all the others giving feedback, judged by the stats alone?</p>

<p>People on CC fail to recognize that everyone providing possible chances are only going by what they have typed on the internet. They don't know what kind of voice or vibe they give off, nor how different they can change in their essays. </p>

<p>CCers often give too much, based on too little.</p>

<p>Dude, his SAT scores have to be in the lower 1% of MIT...</p>

<p>URM, by any chance?</p>


<p>here's the link to his stats.
<a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?p=1916140#post1916140%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?p=1916140#post1916140&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>


<p>I made a mistake with your chances.</p>

<p>I'd imagine MIT and CMU were impressed by his abilities to do so amazingly well considering that he was special ed in elemetary school. Makes for an extremely unique candidate, as opposed to the thousands of 1500+ SAT candidates who obviously didn't have to work as hard for their grades.</p>


<p>Congrats on the acceptance, but don’t think that you have to “prove” anything to College Confidential Posters. Some people may not believe you, regardless… :-(</p>

<p>why in the world is a two year old thread bumped?</p>

<p>I think this thread/board should be bumped yearly just to give people hope?</p>

<p>this thread is really gay</p>