I got into my ideal UC school, should I still take the ELM?

Okay, so I just found out that I got into my dream school, which is a UC. The problem is that I already previously registered for the ELM because the UC I got into is hard to get into so I was just going to settle for a CSU that I liked in case I didn’t in.

I’m supposed to be taking the ELM very soon and I’m not sure what to do. Now that I have gotten into the UC, I am 1000% sure that’s where I want to go. So should I still take the test, or would it just be a waste of time? It’s too late to actually cancel my test, so would I just not show up? Thanks in advance!

If you know that the UC is where you want to go, have discussed finances with your parents (or others responsible) and are ready to submit your SIR, then you do not have to take the ELM.
It’s fine to just not show up, although if you can try to find the administration to send an email to (not that it’s easy…) that would be a good idea.

If you have to take the ELM for the CSU school, you will probably have to take the APWE for the UC school. Do you want to sit for both tests? If you are sure the UC school is for you, then bypass the ELM and prepare to take the APWE.
