I guess no one wants to be president anymore

<p>I never hear about anything from the UC schools that talks about their Political Science or Intenational Affairs programs… of course, Berkeley is notoroiusly liberal, but we can’t all get into Berkeley, now can we. Of course, I could have possibly been hiding under a rock when anyone was talking about these majors, so I would loved to be informed of any knowledge on what schools have strength in these programs :slight_smile: Any thoughts?</p>

<p>I think they all have really good poly sci programs. Political Science is one of those fields that every UC has, and I'm pretty sure that the way that the political science program at each university is ranked correstponds to the National University rankings at USNWR.
I dont know about graduate Poly sci programs.
Social Science is a really popular major at all of the UC's, and this includes poly sci, so I think people still may want to be president, although remember that most presidents went on to become lawyers.</p>