I hate...

<p>At the moment, I have like a 96-97 in AP Chem... but I understand squat. I'll bet you anything I get a 2 (I can surprisingly answer a few of the essay questions)...</p>

<p>punett squares are my <3</p>

<p>I love punnett squares!</p>

<p>Well I haven't taken the class AP English Lit....the other classes are just English, and while lit has to be worked into the curicum, it comes up seldomly, although we've been reading a lot of excellent short stories in English over the last few weeks, so maybe they've decided to give us some more Lit after all (other units this year included: Capitialization, Comma usage, apostrophe usage :)).</p>

<p>oh really? our english/lit classes just run through maybe 10 minutes a grammar per week--all books 4 years straight</p>