I hate...

<p>Spanish teachers who assign lots of hw during AP exam weeks.</p>

<p>Wasn't there a pokemon named zigazagon or something like that--you will always remind me of that</p>

<p>hmm don't remember any pokemon like that...but then again, i was never very big on pokeman.</p>

<p>AH HA!</p>

<p><a href="http://pokemon.tcgplayer.com//tcg/scans/newbaboon/074%20zigzagoon.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://pokemon.tcgplayer.com//tcg/scans/newbaboon/074%20zigzagoon.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>hmmm...didn't have to look it up...i believe you :).</p>

<p>back to the topic, I hate my Spanish class.</p>

<p>We're in the middle of making a ser o estar video for Spanish 1. I get to be the "director" because I'm clinically insane.</p>

<p>i remember the golden days of spanish 3...we made a
Disney Survivor movie as a class</p>

<p>Well, I hate math teachers who are so tough, they just might ruin my perfect GPA!</p>

<p>yes, I consider math my best subject, but I always have my lowest grades (93% right now :(, 94% for the year :() in AP Calc.</p>

<p>I hate math. It's probably going to be the only class that will make me get a B in high school, but I'm hoping that doesn't happen. So sad...</p>

<p>math was my favorite until calc--i have a 94 also ziggy..............................but i love literature and LOVE with a passion chemistry and biology</p>

<p>Right now I have a 94 in math, but I have to bust my butt to get that grade. However, the final exam is going to be what pretty much makes or breaks me.</p>

<p>You see, I loved Chemistry when it didn't matter that my teacher didn't teach, but now it confuses me.</p>

<p>Calc had better not make me start hating math. Of course, I haven't had a math course I liked since 9th grade, and I still absolutely love math.</p>

<p>see i just do nothing in class to get my grade. im just like so guys, let's not do these problems becasue they're too hard</p>

<p>haven't taken lit yet...I like bio a lot, too, I'm taking bio II next year, but that class is a blow off and we don't have AP Bio here at BHS.</p>

<p>Calc has increased my passion for math (i hated geo), but at the same time, I really like physics, too--moreso than math right now. We'll see after AP Phys C.</p>

<p>I wish I could say the same, lablondie.</p>

<p>We don't have bio next year at BHS... I'm either gonna PSEO it or not take it.</p>

<p>ziggy-what do you mean you havent taken lit? dont you need lit all 4 years? i cant wait for ap bio and ap chem with my 2 favorite teachers</p>

<p>I hopin' extra credit from the the final bumps me up to a 98, giving me a 96 on the year. Probably end up with a 95 or 96 in AP Chem, too. The rest will hopefully be good, assuming I don't screw myself over in Spanish.</p>

<p>I like bio especially when we talk about genetics.</p>