I have 2 months to self study for the AP bio exam, advice appreciated


I decided i want to sign up for the exam.

I signed up with my school but didn’t pay my fee yet because I wanted advice first. Is self studying in 2 months doable? I’ve done it in 3 weeks with AP psych but I’m well aware that the bio exam is much harder.

If so, how should I construct a study plan? I have the cliff notes book and I plan to learn the math online. But beyond that, I’m not sure what to do. Please help and thanks

Ask your AP bio teacher for a study guide.

Get the AP bio Princeton Review book, it usually is organized into chapters and then has a few practice exams in the back.

On the Collegeboard website there are some practice questions as well.

What is the point of self-studying for AP Bio? Why do it? Assuming you have taken a regular bio class already, why not just take the SAT subject test in bio?