<p>TPAM is in Texas (I love Texas, :(. San Antonio and Dallas :))</p>
<p>TPAM is t3h 1337.</p>
<p>TPAM has a thread debating whether or not he's a genius.</p>
<p>TPAM never, ever, EVER takes my side!!! Unless she's bashing me, of course.</p>
<p>TPAM is usually on my side. Unless we have a fight.</p>
<p>TPAM does not realize we didn't have a fight! (Didn't I tell you this morning I'm never mad at you??? Hmmm, missy, didn't I???)</p>
<p>TPAM makes me want to give him a cyber-hug.</p>
<p>TPAM really likes hugs. Did you watch a lot of Barney when you were younger?</p>
<p>TPAM is wrong and has something against cyber-hugs. Do they make you feel uncomfortable?</p>
<p>P.S. I did watch a lot of Barney when I was younger as a matter of fact and I'm proud of it.</p>
<p>TPAM is kool, but can't drink kool aid.</p>
<p>P.S. Good for you, you should be proud; did you sing along with the songs?</p>
<p>TPAM was reported a few times by a few people.</p>
<p>P.S. Yes, as a matter of fact. I did sing along. Can't you imagine a baby sunshineyday grooving to Barney? How cute I was/am.</p>
<p>TPAM is afraid of Michael Jackson.</p>
<p>P.S. Indeed that is imaginable (the singing along part, not the being cute part :p)</p>
<p>TPAM is cool like that. And a yankee.</p>
<p>TPAM has posted the message "TPAM is cool like that" before. No, I don't stalk snoopyiscool, I just remember things, okay?!?!</p>
<p>TPAM just remember things, okay?!?!</p>
<p>TPAM doesn't know what orientation means.</p>
<p>TPAM doesn't know what my real name is.</p>
<p>TPBM sucks.</p>
<p>thanks man!
i'm touched!! :D</p>
<p>TPAM is ... not a rabbit.</p>
<p>TPAM is 1337 awsumsauce.</p>