I have a question - if your kids do not drink

<p>ok bob, i will. i think they are friends on facebook.</p>

<p>mom - she asked around her friends and her dorm but didn’t come up with anything.<br>

<p>they also had something called tailgate games … i think that sounded like fun! : )</p>

<p>badminton is FUN! i took that as a class in college!</p>

<p>does UA have a bowling alley on campus, or do they just go to a local bowling alley?</p>

<p>thanks for the link!</p>

<p>Where are the tailgating games? My nonathletic son would probably love to play cornhole with a group.</p>

<p>i never did find out what the games were, but my guess was that it was games that most people would be able to play.</p>

<p>*mom - she asked around her friends and her dorm but didn’t come up with anything. *</p>

<p>ahhh…tell your D not to rely on “asking around” - especially if she’s asking other new freshmen…she needs to go to the source! The rec center. There she’ll get facts.</p>

<p>Where are the tailgating games? My nonathletic son would probably love to play cornhole with a group.</p>

<p>Anyone with intramural questions needs to contact the rec center.</p>

<p>The website says that they had sign ups for tailgating games in Sept, but maybe they’ll let people still join.</p>

Still Have Questions?**</p>

<p>No problem. Simply stop by the Intramural Sports Office in the Student Recreation Center any weekday from 10 am - 4:30 pm and speak to our friendly office staff. Or, you can call our office at 348-8055. Finally, you can also send us an email.<br>
Darrell Hargreaves
<a href=“mailto:dhargrea@sa.ua.edu”>dhargrea@sa.ua.edu</a></p>

<p>Bama does not have an on-campus bowling alley (wish it did)! Maybe the new rec center by honors will have one. (where do we submit THAT recommendation??? Ha ha!)</p>

<p>They probably bowl at Bama Bowl. For those who don’t have cars, they probably can car pool. I don’t know if there’s a Crimson Ride that gets close enough to walk there.</p>

<p>As for other activities… </p>

<p>The rec center is a great place to meet people and keep busy! They have hiking groups, biking groups, exercise groups, etc. Anyone who’s looking for more things to do or who wants to meet more people should hang out at the rec.</p>

<p>They also plan trips…a great way to meet new people!!</p>

<p>Here’s a list of some of the “trips” they have scheduled…</p>

<p>[Student</a> Affairs | University Recreation Center](<a href=“http://urec.sa.ua.edu/ortrips.cfm]Student”>http://urec.sa.ua.edu/ortrips.cfm)</p>

<p>Soon there will be a schedule up for Spring trips.</p>

<p>When is that new rec center going to be built? I wonder if our kids, current freshmen, will get to enjoy it!</p>

<p>New Rec Center? What’s that all about?</p>

<p>My daughter has had trouble finding her group also. She does not drink, curse or smoke. Her roommates don’t drink, but curse like sailors, which makes her uncomfortable. They have movie nights sometimes, but they call her the “good girl” or “the quiet one” as though it’s a put down and most of the time they have their own groups (band, drama, forensics). She has tried to do a few honors things, and other groups, but it seems as though most have already found their new best friend and quiet girls don’t fit into new groups well. She says she doesn’t go to gatherings because she doesn’t want to go alone. Most of the time she comes home for the weekend (we live 2 hours away), I wish she could find someone to do things with and she would want to stay (not that I don’t mind seeing her). She really loves to have fun, she just doesn’t feel that you have to drink or curse to have fun. She is in chem. engineering.</p>

<p>Cyntum, has your D found any clubs she is interested in? There are SO many groups for every imaginable interest - sports, service, religious, social ~</p>

<p>check here for an alphabetical listing - </p>

<p>[The</a> Source | Current Organizations](<a href=“http://thesource.ua.edu/currentOrg.cfm]The”>http://thesource.ua.edu/currentOrg.cfm)</p>

<p>I know my D likes her roommates, but they don’t really hang out and she’s made better friends outside her suite. I don’t know how common it is for roomies to end up best friends, but I know that wasn’t the case for my Dd.</p>

<p>Cyntum, my D also does not curse, drink or smoke and has found an amazing group of friends through a couple of the religious organizations on campus and a local church close to campus. She is having the time of her life. If you think your D would be interested in trying out some of these groups, PM me and we can share info.</p>

<p>*She is in chem. engineering. *</p>

<p>Has she looked into the engineering clubs? Especially the women’s engineering group?</p>

<p>There is also an “engineering theatre group” that is fun to belong to. You don’t even have to be an engineering major. It was started to give those “non-theatre” majors an opportunity to participate in plays and musicals. No super talent is required…just a good attitude!!</p>

<p>Most of the performances had been musical parodies…so funny and cute.</p>

<p>The name is…The College of Engineering does Amateur Radical Theater, known as*** COE does ART***</p>

<p>I really think some of this drinking/cursing silliness dissipates after awhile. These new freshmen are experiencing freedoms for the first time in their lives.</p>

<p>*New Rec Center? What’s that all about? *</p>

<p>Another rec center is going to be built in the area of the north residential halls. It’s to supplement the existing one. Don’t know when they will break ground for it.</p>

Yes, Dr. Sharpe came to New Orleans for the Crescent City classic last year and he is a part of the honor’s running club. From what I understand, last year they had two training groups (one am and one afternoon) and they train for a 1/2 marathon in the Spring. I don’t recall which race they participated in, though. She said the first meeting is 11/7. My D ran cross country in high school and still enjoys running/biking but wasn’t up for the swimming of the tri-athletes.</p>

If she is eligible for honors, by all means have your D apply to Bama! I’m sure you will both be tremendously impressed once you see the many options available for Honor’s students. The great rec center/intermurals/athletics are just an added benefits.</p>

<p>CCforlife, I excitedly told DD all about the running club when she came home to visit this weekend. She listened patiently as I related everything I knew from CC then told me that - oh yeah, she already signed up! Hope she & your Dd enjoy running with Dean Sharpe!</p>