I have a question - if your kids do not drink

<p>what do they do for entertainment?</p>

<p>my DD does not drink and does not particularly care to hang out with people who do. </p>

<p>and she hasn’t had a lot of luck finding many kids who don’t drink.</p>

<p>one night she want to dinner and out for the evening with a bunch of girls she met at church, and most of them ended up pre-gaming (loading up on vodka) before they went out. then the non-drinking girls had to “babysit” the drinking girls to make sure they didn’t get themselves into trouble.</p>

<p>she wants to have people to hang out with, but she doesn’t necessarily want to “party”.</p>

<p>anyone with knowledge on this topic?</p>

<p>Surely there are girls that don’t binge drink as you’ve described. </p>

<p>Has she met any friends thru women in engineering?</p>

<p>As colleges go, there is going to be some drinking going on at all except the most religious (i.e. bible) schools. </p>

<p>Also, some of this behavior is very “first semester freshmen” related and calms down after the term ends.</p>

<p>My kids aren’t big partiers yet they have plenty of things to do that don’t involve drinking. </p>

<p>Your D needs to become better friends with those “non-drinking girls” who had to “babysit” the others. The non-drinking girls don’t have to go-along with those drinking girls. Your D and the non-drinking girls can go do something by themselves. They need to speak up and say that they aren’t going to spend their evenings babysitting.</p>

<p>I totally understand! My dd did not go Greek and does not drink. Last weekend, she commented that she felt a little “out of place”. Fortunately, her roommate is similar. She loves UA and would never consider leaving…I just want her to find young people, like your daughter, to have fun with! She was wondering about any Halloween activities that she would enjoy.? I really commend these young ladies for maintaining their personal choices! I’m sure there are many others with the same goals…wish there was a way for them to connect!</p>

<p>She did go on the FATE cruise last week and had a blast!</p>

<p>yes, i realize that there is going to be plenty of drinking at any college. and my daughter has found some friends thru church and other activities, but it does seem hard to find that many kids that don’t drink. i am sure that when she hooked up with the group of girls i mentioned that she didn’t think it was going to be a binge drinking kind of thing, but it turned out to be one. : /</p>

<p>i don’t know if she has met any girls thru women in engineering.</p>

<p>i know she doesn’t “have” to hang out with the “drinking girls”, but when you are just getting to know people, you really don’t know what their habits are. : /</p>

<p>i was ok with her “babysitting” them that time, but i don’t think that would be fun on a regular basis. i did tell her to try to get to know the other two “babysitters” but i am not sure if she has seen them again. they were part of the group she went with but not anyone she has met before that night.</p>

<p>i am pretty sure my DD would be up for movie night, either in or out at the movies, nut at the moment her suite doesn’t have a suitable tv for movie night.</p>

<p>momto24 - there is a pumpkin carving thing at the honors college (i think) tomorrow. i am not sure if my DD can go (let me go see if i can find details) because she has a late class. maybe she could go late. </p>


<p>Join us for a marvelous and bewitching Halloween Extravaganza, featuring the most ghastly of all pumpkin carvings. All pumpkins and carving tools will be provided, but be prepared with your spookiest designs because the best pumpkins will receive prizes! Following the fiendish competition, enjoy our hideously scrumptious Halloween treats! Our evening will conclude with a spine-chilling screening of It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! </p>

<p>When? Wednesday, October 27, 2010
7:00 - 9:00 PM
Where? The Pavilion outside Lloyd Hall (just outside Stewart’s Corner)</p>

<p>Jack-o-lanterns will be donated to Capstone Village and Tuscaloosa One Place.
Sign up in the lobby of Nott Hall by Tuesday, October 26! </p>

<p>-The Honors College Assembly</p>

<p>what was the FATE cruise?</p>

<p>Society of Women Engineers…</p>

<p>[Society</a> of Women Engineers - University of Alabama](<a href=“http://bama.ua.edu/~swe/]Society”>http://bama.ua.edu/~swe/)</p>

<p>I think there is also a co-ed Engineering group.</p>

<p>My son and most of his friends (male and female) are not drinkers. Often they organized game nights (Apples to Apples is a favorite) or movie nights (musicals, horror flicks, comedies, etc). There are late night runs to the IHOP, Target or Yogurt Mountain. Sometimes, they order in and study – yes, I know that is not the most fun thing, but …</p>

<p>There are some very nice girls in engineering (two are roommates of my son’s girlfriend), and they are not party animals. Perhaps I can mention something to one of them and ask what kinds of things the girls in engineering do.</p>

<p>Count my D in the non-drinking group too. Her “hang out” group are a group that she met between Bama Bound & Alabama Action but it’s light on the girls. And (please don’t flame me) she has no interest in going to the more religious oriented groups/events. I’m sure a lot of it is first semester freedom raising its head and will die down as time goes on. </p>

<p>I’m thinking as D gets more involved in her major/honors college stuff/ECs she’ll find her people.</p>

<p>FATE has been a fun organization for my daughter. They meet once a month (I think). Last week was a riverboat cruise on the Bama Belle. </p>

<p>[url=&lt;a href=“http://fate.ua.edu/]FATE[/url”&gt;http://fate.ua.edu/]FATE[/url</a>] </p>

<p>Thanks for the pumpkin carving info…I’ll pass that on :)</p>

<p>*I’m sure a lot of it is first semester freedom raising its head and will die down as time goes on. *</p>

<p>True…those who don’t calm down often end up doing too poorly for their parents to keep paying or to keep scholarships.</p>

<p>Count my son in as a non-drinker also. He and his friends watch movies on his computer (brought movies from home), they have nerf gun games (humans versus zombies is ongoing now), they bike, they cook (a new hobby) add that to the honors college activities and the week is very full. </p>

<p>There are usually some good lectures to attend as well. My son also works in a lab where he has met some really nice students.</p>

<p>I usually take a look at the university calendar and there are always concerts and plays that are free or relatively cheap.</p>

<p>Oh, and let’s not forget football.</p>

<p>Hope some of these ideas help!</p>

<p>Sometimes it takes awhile before a student finds their core group of friends. Especially during their first semester, freshmen are still learning about various clubs and other groups on campus. I have confidence that your daughter will find a great group of friends that she enjoys being around. Some of these friends may drink, some may not.</p>

<p>There are events on and around campus where people will not be drinking before, during, or after the event. The other posters have already mentioned a few great examples. I bet that many of the “drinking girls” would enjoy some of these events too.</p>

<p>My son and his friends recently went on a shopping trip to buy Nerf guns. There are about a dozen kids on his floor that hang out together, and this is their newest venture. They also have something called LAN parties.</p>

<p>Unless something has changed the past few weeks, count my son in as a non-drinker as well. He and his friends watch lots of football, play beach volleyball, and have formed an intramural volleyball team. He’s also joined the kayaking club and is in the process of founding a sailing club at UA. In between, he does school :).</p>

<p>As he put it the other day, “There are more things to do here than time allows.”</p>

<p>Like Malanai’s son, my D seems to be staying busy with school & clubs. She’s secretary of one club which seems to have almost daily activities, and she joined the triathlon team and trains 5 days a week. Add in unofficial team/club dinners, football games, and -oh yeah-studying, and that’s one busy kid. I think finding groups she clicks with has really helped her settle in, and I don’t think she hangs out with any big drinkers. . .She’s coming home for fall break so I’ll ask her about the drinking scene from her perspective.</p>

<p>Timeflew, is your daughter planning to join the Honor’s running club? It starts next month and they train to run a half marathon in the Spring. My D is really looking forward to that:)</p>

<p>ccforlife, I don’t know - I’ll ask her this weekend! I know she did have a really nice chat with Dr Sharpe about running. Did you know he is a marathoner? I believe he told her that he sometimes trains with students, probably the honors running club. It sounds great!</p>

<p>Tell me more about the honors running club! My daughter is considering applying to Alabama (honors) and is a cross country runner.</p>

<p>aw, katie wanted to be on an intramural volleyball team, but she couldn’t find one. : ( she was going to do flag football, but there ended up being a time conflict with another activity that she was already committed to.</p>

<p>sailing club?? interesting! that would be something she would like. : )</p>

<p>^^^Tell her to contact my son, Mike. She probably knows where to find him (if not, PM me and I’ll pass on his contact info). I think they’re planning an introductory sail early in November.</p>

<p>*katie wanted to be on an intramural volleyball team, but she couldn’t find one. *</p>


<p>Did she go to the rec center and ask? Intramural volleyball had its sign-ups in September.</p>

<p>The sign-ups for the Spring set of intramurals (no volleyball) is in January. BUt, there are things like badmitton, ping ping, bowling, and other traditional sports. [Student</a> Affairs | University Recreation Center](<a href=“http://urec.sa.ua.edu/intramuralcalendarofevents-spring.cfm]Student”>http://urec.sa.ua.edu/intramuralcalendarofevents-spring.cfm)</p>