I have made a HUGE mistake for declining Texas A&M. Any Advise?

<p>I'm a first in my family to go to college. Back in April, I had to choose between Texas A&M and CAP at UT San Antonio. And I chose the CAP... I've made a huge mistake. While Texas A&M offered to me Regent Scholarship ($20,000), I don't know how stupid I was, I chose to stay in CAP. Texas A&M even offered me another scholarship, which is TEACH Grant (worth $16,000), they constantly send me letter to inform me what to do, their student service is just outstanding. Back in UTSA, I still facing trouble and trying to borrow loans ( a 8% interest....) for most of my tuition, room, etc fees... The only things that they gave me is the Pell Grant which can obtain at any university, The Texas Grant and top 10% scholarship they used to offer to me, now they said no more... and trying to avoid it everytime I ask about it. That's all I have to say. </p>

<p>Although, UT Austin ranked #1, but it is nothing better than Texas A&M, it all depend on your final GPA/scores really...</p>

<p>If now there's a chance for me to come back to Texas A&M and received the scholarships they offered, I would do anything for it.</p>

<p>Anyone can please give me any advises? because I keep killing myself every time i think of this. :(</p>

<p>And plus i just found out CAP is basically for anyone apply to UTA and get denied…</p>

<p>Why am I so unlucky. The year I graduate is the year they first put on 8% rule, and the year that they cut off Texas Grant.</p>

<p>anyone know if the Texas Grant still available? Like i said, I’m first one in my family to go to college, I’m a permanent resident and my family is poor.</p>

<p>What were you thinking? really?</p>

<p>Once you have refused your placement at A&M and turned down the scholarships - they have moved on to the next person who was happy to accept.</p>

<p>I know you asked for advice. My advice for you is to study hard and do your best at UTS. Hopefully you will get into tu, and hopefully you will have a shot at some deparmental scholarships. Hopefully it will be worth it someday - and you will get a nice job that you can start paying back your student loans. </p>

<p>tu is #1 at what? what did you give up a great scholarship opportunity for?</p>

<p>Ignore almost everything klparker312 said, keep your head up.</p>

<p>I don’t know if you can go back on declining Texas A&M, call the admission’s office and see. I’m sorry to hear you are second guessing your choice. However, CAP is not the end of the road. I have plenty of friend’s who were CAPed and then transferred to UT without a problem. The monetary situation will be hard, but a large majority of students are taking out student loans just like you. Don’t get down on yourself, you are incredibly lucky to be going to college and sound like a very bright individual. Keep your head up, study hard and you will do fine! Good luck!</p>

<p>Do your best to get to UT and graduate, you’re not the only one with loans though. If that helps at all…</p>

<p>I do apologize.</p>

<p>Since you turned it down, that may indicate that you really want to go to Texas. If your efforts prove ineffective with regard to AM, then just go full speed ahead and remember you made the decision because that is what you really wanted to do. Once you land at UT you will be very happy, and you will realize that is what you wanted all along. Just direct your efforts toward that end.</p>

<p>Thank you all so much for advices, I’ll do my best at UTSA in order to transfer to UT.</p>

<p>^tifierro, please know that it is very common to second-guess oneself after such a big, relatively important decision. Many students end up wondering if they made the right choice, and sometimes that lasts throughout their whole first year. It’s very common.</p>

<p>So please know: just because you’re questioning your own decision does NOT mean that you made the wrong decision. It is very possible that had you made the OTHER choice (A&M), you would be feeling that same pit in your stomach about THAT choice. Niether choice is “wrong.” Both choices have merit.</p>

<p>Towards the end of your freshman year, if you still feel strongly that you made the wrong choice (because, let’s face it, sometimes people DO choose things that maybe weren’t in their best interest), THEN you can look into alternatives at that time.</p>

<p>Meanwhile, give yourself a break and try to remember why you chose UT CAPS over A&M in the first place. Good luck to you! :)</p>

<p>Which university is closer to home for you? UTSA or A&M? I have to agree with Simple Life, it’s normal to be a little anxious about a choice as big as going to college. Whether you are at A&M or UT this time next year, you will be at a great school either way–the best two in Texas, obviously.<br>
By the way, what is your major?</p>

<p>I was wrong… I’m doing great and ready to transfer to UT Austin! Even though I had about $10,000 in debts right now, It still feel good transferring to UT Austin next year. only 4 more weeks to go!
They did finally offer me Texas Grant but only about $3,000.
but anyway, a son of my mom’s friend just finished his doctoral degree after 11 years and some how he currently has about $500,000 in debts lol. It’s unbelievable but it’s true.</p>

<p>^I’m so glad to hear you’re now happy with your choice, tifierro! I suspected you would be … and I’m really glad you waited it out. (see my post #9)</p>

<p>Wise choice to stick around and give it your best! A good lesson for the future too. It’s really common to have anxiety following a big life decision – it doesn’t mean you made the wrong choice. :)</p>

<p>All the best to you.</p>

<p>Aw :[
btw tiffiero, how did u Decline the admission offer in AIS?</p>