I have no idea where I want to go! Where will I fit and be happy?

<p>I hear Clark is pretty apathetic and party-ish from my friend who goes there; may not be the best fit.</p>

<p>Ithaca possibly?</p>

<p>ithica sounds good</p>

<p>you should go to princetonreview.com and fill out their couselor-o-matic. It will provide you with reach, safety, and match schools that fit set criteria</p>

<p>I'd definitely recommend Syracuse. It's in a pretty good sized city, not too far from NYC. It's not quite as difficult as the other schools listed to get into. It has 11,500 students, and 23% of students had a GPA between 2.5-3.24 (SAT wise, you are among the top-middle). It's fairly diverse (in numbers, at least), and is considered a "residential" college, as well as has a wide variety of majors to choose from</p>