I have no shame...please just chance me.

<p>Girl: mix of Af Am, Irish, and Chinese </p>

<p>GPA: 3.8 uw (magna cum laude)
Rank: top 5/54
SAT: 640 V 650 W 750 M
SAT II: Lit-600 Molecular Bio-650
AP: Bio, Art History, Spanish, Euro History, English, and Calculus AB
Honors Classes: honchem, honprecalc</p>

<p>-Varsity tennis player, 3rd singles
-Waitress at Frisch’s Big Boy (5 hours a week)
-Tutor to inner-city school children, and teach kids with disabilities to play tennis
-Head Chair of the Community Service Board
-Journalist for school newspaper, Arts Director of the literary magazine
-OSU scholar
-Book & Movie Club President
-Camp counselor (5 hours a day all summer)
-Tour guide for my school
-Training for a marathon in May as my SIP
-Last summer at Brown I wrote this long a** paper with 2 other girls that detailed a non-profit org. in Soweto Africa that would build wells and eventually install pipelines. It won a few awards and I somehow managed to get blacklisted from ever calling the IMF again.
-Went on a two-week exchange to Toulouse France where I took classes in French and lived with a French family, then spent a few days in Paris with some kids from school before coming home
-Brother is a pre-med soph at Penn
-College essay about the flannel sweater I’ve inherited from my older brother and what it says about me/how I got my first kiss wearing it etc. I hope they like it? </p>

<p>So what do you think? I’m sooo nervous because of my SAT scores.</p>

<p>sidenote: I wear roller skates as I waitress, and my school usually sends 10-20% of graduating class to Ivies.</p>

<p>u have a good chance like everyone else</p>

<p>although i do think your extracirriculars are very strong...more so than many others
and also your brother going to penn should help</p>

<p>also about your scores, they are low so the rest of your app + essays better be beast....but i know ppl with sub 2000 that got into wharton even so its not impossible
....i notice u live in ohio, why not take the ACT and see how well u can do on that?</p>

<p>are u applying to wharton or cas?</p>

<p>I took the ACT but I only got a 29, so I'm not turning it in. I applied to CAS on the ED plan</p>