I have to mail in 2008 tax returns?

<p>I was selected for verification, and my school recently sent a letter saying that I need to fill out a form and mail the 2008 tax returns. But my dad told me that he won't finish it until sometime in April, and the priority deadline for my school is March 1st. The letter didn't tell me when to send it in by, but it said as soon as possible so I don't miss out on any aid. Can I wait until April to send it in without worrying?</p>

<p>Not without worrying. You really should tell him to do it ASAP unless he absolutely can’t…</p>

<p>I’ve asked him a few times about it, but he’s refusing to finish it until April, and he won’t tell me why. :/</p>

<p>He may not have rec’d all 1099s and W2s even though he should have; if there is a reason for the delay, call the school and ask. If he is just procrastinating, then perhaps he does not understand that your financial aid may be delayed due to this. Then again, he may also suspect you wont qualify for aid or maybe he does not want to send his private tax information into the school.</p>

<p>You will still be considered for financial aid if you don’t submit your dad’s 1040 until it’s ready. However, you may not receive the best possible aid package you might have received (some funds may run out), you might not have your financial aid ready before your bill is due, etc. We won’t process files that were incomplete as of the priority deadline until AFTER all those that were in on time are processed. It depends on the school. If your dad refuses to file early, then just send it in when it’s ready. You can’t do anything more than that. You may want to let him know that you might not have your aid ready before the bill is due – THAT might get him moving! :)</p>

<p>The last 2 years my daughter’s schools has not considered her application complete until we have provided verification data and do not do anything with her aid package until then. We get the data in ASAP as her EFC is low and we don’t want her to lose out on the elements of her aid that come from limited funding (SEOG, a state grant, WS, Perkins loan). Those aid items are several thousand dollars so we are not going to risk her not getting them by procrastinating on our taxes. My husband was always a file taxes on April 15th guy (what fun that was the year he was taken very ill but would not go to the hospital on April 14th because he needed to finish the taxes - ended up with a 911 call and hospitalized in the CCU near to death but still worrying about the taxes and giving me instructions on how to complete them - I had no clue what I was doing) So FAFSA has made us have to change that. In fact now I do the taxes.</p>

<p>Does your dad realize that by not getting his taxes filed there is a possibility you my miss out on several $000 in aid? I would estimate that @ $6k+of my daughter’s federal aid is the non loan aid type that might be not available for late applicants ($2k SEOG, $3400 WS, $1k a state grant administered through the school).</p>

<p>We have the * again this year and are waiting to see if the school wants verification data. This year, for the first time, they actually state on the financial aid page not to send it unless they request it even if the SAR has the *, which is what Kelsmom has been saying.</p>