I just got accepted to USC Annenberg

<p>I looked at the grad school brochure and the estimated tuition was as follows:</p>

<p>Flat rate (Taking 15-18 units per semester): $40,384
Full time (Taking 8-14 units per semester): $27,200</p>

<p>How many grad students actually take 15-18 units? Because that would be brutal IMO. I looked at the $27K price tag for 8-14 units and wasn't sure if that's the semester fee or the annual fee. Can someone clear that up for me?</p>

<p>And what is the shuttle/blue line/bus service like around campus? I think I can save a good $15-16,000 or so by skipping housing costs and commuting from home.</p>

<p>You were accepted into the grad program at Annenberg? I’m still waiting for my notice. I applied pretty late though; around the 3rd of January. When did you submit your application?</p>

<p>Also, if you would’nt mind (totalyl understand if you do though)…would you mind giving us USC Annenberg hopefuls your stats? GPA/GRE/etc? I am still waiting for my letter and it would give me a hint of what to expect lol! Thanks!</p>

<p>I can’t answer any of your questions, but congrats! USC Annenberg has amazing programs.</p>

<p>I’m sorry that none of the above helped you at all. I currently am in Annenberg, but an undergrad, so I can only answer your transportation question. It depends on where you’re living. Blue line is good when you don’t have any time limits and you’re really strapped for money. However, it is unreliable and can be EXTREMELY dangerous. You will at times have to switch from one bus to another which will require walking through skid row and very dangerous parts of town. That is your only hope for transportation, though. Good luck!</p>

<p>As for those wondering about my GPA and test scores:</p>

<p>Undergrad GPA: 3.59
GRE: 1190, 5 on writing portion
One year as editor on student paper</p>

<p>I did not have much professional experience other than some unpaid freelance stuff. My best advice is to show a clear purpose in your personal statements of what your goals in journalism are. Having quality written clips is also a plus.</p>

<p>And as for transportation, it turns out that I’m exploring USC’s vanpool program that will allow me to split transportation costs with other students living in my area. Hope I get a spot.</p>