i know i dont have great stats.
but i really need ur help!!:)</p>
<p>so about me.</p>
<p>asian female
permanent resident
virginia resident
gpa 3.86
sat 1820 (it makes me cry but.. oh well....lol)
reading 510 math 720 writing 590
sat2 math 700
i will be taking sat2 chem ,toefl and act this december.</p>
<p>Major : im not sure what i want to major in yet, but possibly chemE or international relations..
haha yeah i cant decide..!</p>
<p>extra curricular:
dance team 3 years, captain
color guard 1 year
math honor society 3 years
tennis 2 years
spanish honor society 1 year, historian
national honor society 2 years
volunteering in hospital and library for 200+ hours
key club 4 yrs
piano play in church for 3 years</p>
<p>ap courses taken: ap calc ab/bc, ap stat, ap chem
and will be taking : ap spanish, ap english lang/comp, and ap physics.</p>
<p>college list:
1. purdue
2. uva
3. va tech
4. george washington
5. american
6. u of washington -seattle
7. pitzer
8. pepperdine
9. virginia commonwealth univ</p>
<p>oh, i really wanna go to west coast, so i would appreciate if someone suggests
me a good college in cali that would match me!
financial aid is very important to me and i need to cut some out...
so plz help me!!!!:))
i will chance you back!</p>