I messed up BIG TIME freshman year of college, so... what now?

<p>I agree with missamericanpie. I finished my first 2 years at a CC with a 2.2! i didnt take it seriously but decided to take a year off and work, think about what I want to do with my life and which direction I should go in. It has helped a lot! working a hard job everyday has showed me that I need education to have a good and rewarding life. </p>

<p>I am now moving to arizona with 2 friends where I will go to a community college down there. This time I know what I want and how to achieve it. Unlike the first two years im paying for this myself. So it means a lot more to me. I know that sounds selfish but its true.</p>

<p>the fact that you realized that you messed up is a step in the right direction.</p>

<p>I can relate to you OP, I also messed up big time. Though I wouldn’t call myself a hardcore partier, I was distracted enough that I lost sight of what I wanted to achieve. my first semester gpa was 2.3, my second semester gpa was a 3.0.</p>

<p>This semester was the semester I needed to get a 4.0 in order for me to have a chance at my dream schools, Cornell and Mcgill. I failed miserably. I got a 2.8 bringing my cGPA to a 2.7.</p>

<p>The point of me telling you all this is that I want you to know that you aren’t alone. I too am a failure, a disappointment. I am lonely, and I am depressed. Realize there are others in similar if not worse situations. The only difference is that you still have time to make it up.</p>

<p>If you focus yourself enough and come back next semester with the right attitude to aim for that 4.0, you can still make this up and be on your way. Don’t end up like me.</p>

<p>I also agree with missamericanpie. Even if you have go to college and work a minimum wage job it will still open your eyes to the opportunity you have. That’s what I did in high school, and the more I was at work the more I realized I needed to go to college.</p>