I Need Some Love Please Love Me

<p>ok. new on this site. please help me out.
Just a general what are my chances for georgetown, tufts, a few ivies, vanderbilt, american, and whatevs...</p>

<p>Me: Chinese Canadian (YES CANADA EH)</p>

<p>SATs: (fyi, out of our entire grade at my school, about ten took the sats. shows you how much canadian schools prepare their students for these tests)
French with Listening 800 (Been speaking french since i was 5 b/c of french immersion program!)
Math level 1 750
Literature 720</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0 (unweighted..i think. i dont even know what weight is. i live in the north...canada!!!!)</p>

<p>British Columbia to be more exact</p>

<p>Current Courseload:
Econ 12, Chem 12, Hist 12, Phys 12, Law 12, AP Calc (THE ONLY AP EXAM MY SCHOOL OFFERS!!!), Writing 12, Francais Langue 12</p>

<p>Average: ~90%</p>

Academic Award in grades 9 and 11 (highest average in entire grade, ~98% and 96%)
Award of Excellence in grade 10 (presented to one student in each grade for excellence in arts, athletics, and academics)
junior socials award
junior science award
principal's honour roll grade 8-12 (4.0 gpa)
lots of meaningless subjcet awards</p>

student council prez
grad legacy committee chair
global leadership club
senior cheerleading team
senior field hockey team
senior golf team</p>

<p>community love:
head coach of local youth cheer team (we are travelling to san diego soon!)
church music team
church youth group chairperson
pianist at nursing home</p>

<p>othe things i do:
arct performer's diploma in piano (TELL ME. DOES ANYBODY KNOW WHAT THAT IS??? OR IS IT TOO MAPLE LEAF?)
studied violin and flute.</p>

<p>my school likes me a lot. we dont have anybody going to the states (note the lack of sat takers mentioned earlier)</p>

<p>my parents never went to university (my mom came on a refugee boat from vietnam and my dad worked on a farm in hk)
i am fluent in 3 languages
i shaved my head for cancer
i can eat a whole plate of boston pizza nachos by myself (with extra guacamole)</p>

<p>oh right! work experience:
bank teller at credit union...37.5 hrs/wk in summer..now it's like 10 hrs
piano teacher/tutor</p>

<p>please love me
or if not,
at least let me know gently that there is no love
very gently</p>

<p>come on children. just love this poor canadian girl please and let her experience her first reply.</p>

<p>what could possibly make this post flashier. come on. desperate canadian girl here.</p>

<p>Je crois que you have a good chance at some decent schools..im not sure about the ivies....but its possible you can get in at vanderbuilt..</p>

<p>(I got a 720 in french)</p>

<p>je t'adore</p>

<p>I Love You.</p>

<p>oh wow. there is so much love. but i need more specific please answer the question kinda love. s'il-vous plait?</p>

<p>Oh cool, I wish I was fluent in 3 languages! So jealous.
So I'm bad at these chances, but I'm applying to georgetown-sfs, tufts and 1 ivy (brown) so for those, i would say:
georgetown-reach for everyone, and it's too bad you don't have very many advanced courses, but if you took the best there was, you can just hope for the best!
tufts-i like to think it's a LITTLE bit easier, you would prob. have a better chance there as long as you show you're interested!
brown-yeah, crapshot for everyone obviously, but you're not DENIAL or anything</p>

<p>i think you have chances almost everywhere;)
although I obviously not an adcom and cannot really tell you anything specific...
just write really good essays and show your personality..etc..</p>

<p>good luck!</p>

<p>Vous irez bien. Vous donnez un coup de pied mon </p>

<p>il y a tellement d'amour ici. je veux brosser mes dents.</p>

<p>wow, what's with all this french? lol</p>

<p>Je pense que vous serez accept</p>

<p>happygal. i wanted to say that you are wayyy too nice. except i had to wait another 13 seconds before i could say it.</p>

<p>sigh. only american? did you know that i only put taht there so i didn't look like a big loser...if it helps, i also did some good old canuck schools as well. speaking of which. my poor canucks these days...but my world junior team rocks</p>

<p>Balayez-alors les, vous f</p>

<p>La meilleure partie de ceci est que je ne parle pas m</p>

<p>Je peux parler le fran</p>

<p>that's really lovely. now question. how do i post a thread? i seem to have forgotten. really this isn't a joke</p>

<p>Le petit bouton au dessus de la page qui indique le "fil de poteau", manque. C'est imb</p>