<p>Hello! Here's my info, let me know what you think! Don't be too mean, I've heard enough crap from my parents about college, but I'd like some help!</p>
<p>Sex: Female
Race: White
School Type: Prestigious Private Catholic School
Grade: SENIOR!!
GPA: Unweighted 89.13 (low I know, thats from frosh-jr year. I plan on working my ass off my last year to raise it over a 90.5) Weighted - 95.8
SAT Reasoning: (once again, pretty low, taking them one more time in October) CR - 550; M - 710; W - 620 (1260/1880)
SAT Subject: Math I - 730; Biology E - 580; Spanish - 610
Sports/Activites/EC's - Outdoor Track - Sprinting (10, 11); Dancer (modern, ballet, jazz, tap, lyrical, pointe) - 14 years; LaSallian Youth (Christian Service Group at school) (10, 11, 12); SADD (11, 12); Photography (10); Mixed Chorus (10, 11, 12); A Capella Chorus (10, 11); Planning on joining Harvard Model United Nations this fall; Planning on volunteering with a local campaign for a State Council Representative
Community Service/Volunteer - CCD Teacher at my church to fourth graders (11, 12) - 40 hours and growing; Western Pennsylvania Conservancy - 15+ hours July 08; Beautiful Beginnings Daycare - 18+ Hours; Boston Food Bank - 5+ Hours; Various other activities through my LaSallian Youth group such as painting schools that needed help, etc
Work Experience - Dame Farm & Orchards (picking vegetables, maintaining gardens, etc) June 06-October 06 (seasonal), 12+ hours/week; LaBrie Dance Shoe & dance merchandise store, August 07-Present; 18 hours/week; Planning on getting a job at the State House in December.
Classes taken (Freshman-Junior year)
Biology honors, Algebra 1 honors, Religion honors, english I honors, one semester computer science, one semester art classes, spanish I honors, PE; chemistry honors, geometry honors, religion honors, english II honors, world history honors, spanish II honors, PE; AP biology, algebra II honors, religion honors, AP english III, us history honors, spanish III honors, PE
Senior Class Schedule:
AP Human Geography
Precalculus honors
AP english IV
Physics honors
world religions honors
AP Government
<p>Possible Major - Political Science/declare Pre-law</p>
<p>College list:
Reach -
Carnegie Mellon
University of Michigan/Ann Arbor
Boston College
Match -
George Washington
Wake Forest University
University of Pittsburgh
Northeastern University
Safety -
University of Connecticut
Duquesne University
St. Anslem University</p>
<p>I plan on working my ass off this year at school. I need to work hard to pull up my SAT scores. I would love to go to Carnegie Mellon, and I am thinking of Early decision there, but I most likely will not get in (I obviously do not have much confidence in myself). Let me know what you think. I think the only ones I will have a big problem with are my reach, but for the most part the rest I feel good about. I feel like ED at Carnegie can give me a better chance of getting in, but I realize the past 3 years admission has dropped from 39% acceptance to 28% acceptance and that school keeps getting more competitive as the years go by. It is my dream school. I am doing an alumni interview, going to a local information system, and I have already visited the campus back in April.
Please chance me!!!!
Thanks so much!</p>