I realized that i might have made a mistake

<p>i’m oos and i didnt realize until my friend brought it up today, that i might have made a mistake for the uc app.</p>

<p>basically while i was filling in the course and grades out for the uc app, i filled out that i took orchestra every year for the the visual/performing arts requirements as an a-g course.</p>

<p>The thing is in my school full classes meet 5 periods a week, but orchestra meets twice a week, so its not really a full course class, but its the only orchestra class available to take. I’m not really worried about qualifying for statewide eligibility, since i am eligible by testing, but i’m worried that if i got accepted and decided to go to a uc, and they see my transcript, they might see this as a reason to rescind their offer or something like that.</p>

<p>thanks in advance</p>

<p>I dont think it will be a problem. Since youre only eligible by testing thats going to be a greater factor and will probably limit your options. However, one course, especially one that is not an English, Math, Science, or History, does not have a significant bearing in your admission.</p>

<p>Making academic updates and corrections like this is very important. Please contact the UC campuses you applied to and determine how they would like you to make this change.</p>

<p>If I am reading your post correctly, you took orchestra for all four years of HS. The a-g requirement for visual and perfoming arts is only one year I think, so you should still be fine.</p>

<p>Definitely heed to advice of UCDRep. Listing a class as full time when it is not "really a full course class" just has to be a no-no. Even if you are eligible by testing, your strength of schedule is called into question.</p>