I repeated the same thing on the AP U.S. Gov frq

So I took the AP government exam yesterday and I don’t want to get in specific about the content of the exam until the free response questions are released, but I wrote everything I knew down for each question and for some I wrote the same thing down but in different ways just to be sure, mainly because once I was done I keep on going over the answer and adding stuff. Do you think they will deduct points even If I get the question right?

Question is too vague. However as best I can interpret your question, if there is incorrect information/info not related to the question, etc., then yes, you will get points deducted. Otherwise, everybody will just say random stuff in the hopes that some of it is right.

@skieurope I meant if I put information that was correct and related to the question but restated it a few times, and I put accurate information that answers the question but some information that might be wrong.

I took gov last year. I am pretty sure that rephrasing your answer again and again is not allowed. I don’t think they will give points.

Often, the part of the question is worth one point to the total. So if there is incorrect info, you would probably get 0 points on that subsection.

I’m assuming you’re talking about that question 1 that was about checks and balances. Yeah I was confused about that too because part A and part D could possibly be redundant, but I personally came up with separate examples for both.

@katt415 that is what I meant I said all that stuff in part A and part D. I said that they are appointed for both but I said some other stuff as well.