I still have a few hours left to decide

<p>I have not made up my mind. It's between Texas, Miami and Illinois. Any last minute pros and cons would be great. I am majoring in business.</p>

<p>I wish I could help you, but I have little knowledge of Illinois and Texas. From what I know, Texas is a huge school. What exactly are you looking for in a school? My son will be attending Miami and we have visited there. We were impressed with what we saw. The school seemed like a good fit for him with a medium size, good weather, good reputation, and lots to do nearby. He may also end up at the Business school, but is undecided at this time. The Business school does have a good reputation.</p>

<p>Good luck with your decision. I know it is a difficult one.</p>

<p>All three schools are good ones. The other two are both huge state schools iwth the normal inherrent problems of large classes, difficulty in graduating on time due to size, lots of classes being taught by TA's not professors, and the weather stinks at both places. Miami being a mid size school I think makes it a little more personable and has much smaller classes. Illinois probably has a little better rep than the other two. The sports scene and all the social interaction that goes along with it are probably pretty similar with a SLIGHT edge maybe going to Texas in that regard. As far as exposure to things and life from the surrounding area, Miami beats the other two hands down what with Miami aea surrounding it. There is NO competition in that regards.</p>

<p>One more thing, in Miami (just like at Cheers), its a place where potentially everyone including professors will know your name. The other two schools you run the risk of just being a number. This isn't a knock on them, they are what they are....BIG State sponsored and funded schools.</p>