<p>Like everyone, I have the score not yet available.
I was thinking about the possibilities and now I fear what if my scores were cancelled?</p>
<p>I used a highlighter during the SAT, and halfway through the proctor told me I was not allowed to use one, so I put it away. I used mainly to highlight parts of critical reading section. I only did it for one section, as I found it time consuming. </p>
<p>The test ended and nothing happened. The proctor did not talk to me or anything.</p>
<p>Considering, I did highlight in the book, is this a possible reason to why more score is not yet available.</p>
<p>Yeah there is a rule you are only suppose to have certian things on your desk during the test and highlighter isnt one of them. It shouldnt be a problem, though. </p>
<p>The test booklet is just shreaded, no one looks at it. They collect them to make sure nobody is passing them around.</p>