I wanna be an astronaut!

<p>So that's what I put down for my "possible career or professional plans"</p>

<p>i also put
aerospace enginering
as my possible areas of academic interests...</p>


<p>that's fine right?
the admisions people won't be like she's crazy wanting to be an astroanut and whatnot? and disregard or put down my app. because of it.?</p>

<p>A career path in astronomy sounds unique and exciting. Why would it count against you?</p>

<p>not astronomy.</p>

<p>but an astronaut - like a mission specialist</p>

<p>oh and i guess why i thought it would kinda count against me because of the slim chances of actually becoming and astronaut in the future and i thought colleges would be like uhh ohk good luck there. ha but i’m not put down by that. hm</p>

<p>Of course it’s fine. Somebody has to be an astronaut; why not you? I think the usual path to that career is through the Air Force, though. Have you considered that possibility, and/or done some research into other paths to your dream?</p>

<p>haha… i worried about putting surgeon</p>

but now i’m more looking into the space tourism buss. like virgin galactic
that would be amazing. its like when planes were first invented no one dared but look where its taken us now!</p>

<p>they’re planning to build homes on mars too!</p>