<p>from the people i know from Seattle, it seems like a fairly interesting and cultured place, but i suppose anywhere gets tiring after a while...</p>
<p>that said, i second whoever said Austin, TX. from what i've heard and seen, it's the least...eh, "Texasy" place in Texas and it's fun and full of great music and culture, great for college-aged people. besides that, definitely Portland or Chicago.</p>
<p>I do an audit in Austin, Texas for two weeks twice a year. Unless, I am missing something there is only one street in that city, 6th street, which I would think would get pretty boring after about year. I agree there is live music almost every night, but I would assume Seattle is similar, but bigger. I would say Chicago is your best bet they at least have broadway shows and stuff.</p>
<p>Actually Seatle does have a population of overseas asians, and isn't all whites as suggested earlier on this thread. Granted its not orange OC so-cal, or Maui, but it's not as homogenous as I imagine Chicago to be.</p>