I want to become an ironman

<p>Well, I just saw the movie, and decided that I want to become an ironman.
Do you think it's too late? I'm in highschool junior.</p>

<p>What should I major? Please provide a 10 year plan...</p>

<p>Too late; someone beat you to the punch. Cute, though.</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/engineering-majors/925523-i-want-like-elon-musk-tony-stark.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/engineering-majors/925523-i-want-like-elon-musk-tony-stark.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>(Jeez, when will people learn to search for posts that answer their questions before starting a new thread?)</p>

<p>I wanted to be spiderman, but all I got was a rash from the spider bite, which then turned into very bad cancer from the radioactivity.</p>

<p>With great radioactivity comes great superpowers…unless it gives cancer. Or something like that.</p>

<p>Tony graduated from MIT at age 17.</p>

<p>Yes, it’s too late.</p>

<p>I want to be a caterpillar</p>

<p>I’d rather be a bear. Run around in the woods. Eat a lot of salmon and honey. Scare the crap out of some picnickers if you feel like it. Sleep all winter. Sure sounds like living, to me.</p>

<p>I want to be a Porn star</p>

<p>and the develope my own branch of Engineering based on my experiences</p>

<p>Porn Engineering, the scientific study of 2 or more bodies close together casing friction, and their properties, changes of gating STD’s, etc.</p>

<p>Invent/discover a new element :stuck_out_tongue: LOL</p>

<p>Part of my is glad that I haven’t seen the new movie yet. Inventing a new element is pretty ridiculous.</p>



<p>You can’t look at movies like this from an engineering standpoint. If you do, you’ll automatically hate and/or question the integrity of the movie. Just look at it from a typical guy’s perspective: Things blow up, things fly around, loud sounds, cool special effects. I enjoyed it, even with the custom-made particle accelerators and pulling 10+ g’s in some suit that has ideal dampers in it to absorb all transmitted forces.</p>

<p>Haha, I try my hardest not to, but some things are just way too ridiculous not to hate. I still love “The Rock” even though what they say about VX isn’t 100% accurate and they have F-18’s that are labeled U.S. Air Force. I just can’t enjoy some movies that are completely and entirely based on complete ridiculousness unless they are meant to be silly movies. If they try to take themselves seriously, they need to fact-check before they finalize the script.</p>

<p>Ha, The Rock is a good movie! I never noticed that about the F-18’s though, I’ll have to look next time I watch it. Yeah Iron Man 2 was a little goofy though. It seemed a lot more cheesy than the first, so maybe that will help with inhaling the unrealistic engineering feats.</p>

<p>For those who have watched Iron Man 2, is it a good movie? Would you recommend?</p>



<p>ROFL, thats freaking funny as hell!</p>

<p>Hahaha Tony Stark is my idol!!! Iron Man 2 is really interesting, but it mostly in my opinion serves as buildup to future marvel movies. Great effects and of course, RDJr is at the top of his game.</p>