I want to start a thread where people actually talk to me.


<p>actually it's probably in my top 5 favorite songs of all time. actually probably not.</p>

<p>"...messin with the flavor, oh the flavor that you savor...savor me for last or ya better not eat me at all. livin in a fast food bag makin friends with the ketchup is all!"</p>

<p>the ketchup and salt, i think. </p>

<p>I love Jason Mraz.</p>

<p>How many Indian languages do you speak?</p>

<p>One and a bit. I speak my native language, and I can [mostly] understand Hindi, and speak it a tiny bit (brokenly). I speak English better than any other language!</p>

<p>What's your native language? What part of India are you from? Just curious because my family's from India!</p>

