I want to start a thread where people actually talk to me.

<p>'cause I NEED ATTENTION, LAWLZ.</p>

<p>Talk to me!</p>


<p>How are you?</p>

<p>Are you well?</p>

<p>how's school going?</p>

<p>how is your health?</p>

<p>Hi! I'm doing pretty well. How are you guys? School is pretty awesome, I love being in Oberlin. My health is pretty good, too! I'm currently reading Machiavelli's The Prince for my politics class. It's fun, but dry. What are all of you doing now?</p>

<p>yo. 10 char</p>

<p>i am taking a cc break from cleaning out my freezer.</p>

<p>Have you dated a neat guy recently?</p>

<p>I have never dated anyone, it's not really accepted in the part of India where I live. I have zero experience with guys. (I'm very very straight)</p>

<p>You're hot .</p>

<p>yes she is. 98.6.</p>

<p>;) .</p>

<p>Errrrr, thank you?</p>

I have never dated anyone, it's not really accepted in the part of India where I live. I have zero experience with guys. (I'm very very straight)


<p>but now you have the freedom to date in oberlin.</p>

<p>Is India fun? :) Is Oberlin more fun than India?</p>

<p>Yes, I have the freedom to date at Oberlin, but I have to like a guy, and everyone around me seems to be liking guys and I don't like anyone, and no one would like me, anyway. Cue "aw, of course they will! you just don't know it!"</p>

<p>India's a huge country! It's fun depending on who you ae? I had practically no life in India (which is how I got myself CC addicted), so yeah, I'm really enjoying myself here.</p>

<p>How'd you come up with your username?</p>

<p>It's part of a song by Jason Mraz called "Too Much Food", "I'm the one curly fry in the box of the regular, messing with the flavour, oh, the flavour that you savour..."</p>

<p>I love that song. And I think that "the one curly fry in the box of the regular" describes me pretty well. :).</p>