i want to start my own business

<p>I am trying to decide what to major/double-major in when I get to college, because I want to start my own physical therapy company (kind of do the Pat Croce thing, if anyone knows what I am talking about). Should I do a business major, and if so, what kind? I probably should double major in physical therapy or a related major. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Sorry, no idea. Try asking in the Business Graduate School section.</p>

<p>hyou could minor in something business related... like entrepenureship (i know i spelled that wrong)</p>

<p>I believe a physical therapist has to get a six year degree. At least minor in business so you know some aspects of it. I would work for someone else once you get out of grad school for at least a little bit to get some experience with insurance companies and the like. Good luck!</p>

<p>it would be better to major in what you are interested in starting a biz with. study physical therapy. entreprenuers dont becom what they are just by studying biz. a biz major is really a combo of accounting, finance, econ, biz law, organization structure, marketing, etc. you really dont need a strong understanding of all that stuff if you are looking to start a small practice.</p>