I want to work in a healthcare related field but I’m kind of squeamish. I don’t really mind blood, but other open wounds, burns, etc make me uncomfortable. So I was thinking about careers in radiation therapy, healthcare administration, or nuclear medicine technology.
-Will I still need to look at these kinds of gory things when I’m studying in college? Or even in real life?
-Is it worth it to go into these careers?
Anything you can tell me about the healthcare field and these careers specifically would be great. Thank you!
Yes, for most fields in or related to medicine, you will at least need to take anatomy and physiology.
Why the interest in the health field if you are uncomfortable?
There are lots of positions that relate to health, but you still need to study the body.
I’m interested in helping people, especially cancer patients due to personal experience.
Thanks for the info! 
you’ll probably have to be exposed to that kind of stuff at some point during school, but if it’s not too triggering, there are some gradual ways to desensitize yourself! I think the easiest way is to get into a TV show that has its fair share of gore and stick with it. of course, TV isn’t real life, but it’s a start. I recommend grey’s anatomy, hahaha
Depends how severe your squeamishness is; if you can’t look at it for more than a few seconds than you either have to give up your hopes and dreams of working in the healthcare field (or at least lower your standards) or figure out how to overcome it.
I think you’d be ok if you go into healthcare administration.
The chances of the seeing any of the gory stuff are minimal.
Get an undergrad business degree with a concentration in health administration or bachelor’s in healthcare admin. After that, get a Master of Healthcare Administration degree or MBA with a concentration in healthcare admin.
You can work you way up the leadership chain of a healthcare system or organization.
If you like children, you may want to look into Child Life Specialist major. They use play to help children prepare for procedures and surgeries . I’m not sure what schools have programs, but you should be able to google it.