<p>I personally wouldn’t call BU to try to appeal financial aid because I think it’d be awfully awkward to start discussing your scores and stuff like that on the phone so I think an email would be more effective. Then you should follow that up with a phone call and a letter through snail mail. Just harass them nicely to get your point across!</p>
<p>I think in a phone call, you wouldn’t be able to speak to the right person in the first place. You’d be thrown around in a loop of transfers to try to get to someone who can actually affect your aid.</p>
<p>I think Boston University should take down the chart that shows what one might expect to get in financial aid. The didn’t give out anything even though I was qualified. They enjoyed collecting the $75 application fee from everyone. They said they gave out less money because more people applied to the college. More people applying to the college doesn’t mean more people get enrolled. Thank you all for your $75 donations.</p>
<p>I called the financial aid office up and I was told the max they’d appeal for is $2,000. I need way more aid than that =/</p>