I was hoping for a B, got a Q....?

<p>So my biology professor told us that our grades would be posted on student center today, so I went to check and for my grade it just has a "Q". Does anyone know what that might mean?</p>

<p>Check on this with your professor- sounds like an incomplete grade at this point.</p>



<p>[Grades</a> and GPA | Office of the Registrar | University of Wisconsin?Madison](<a href=“http://registrar.wisc.edu/grades_and_gpa.htm]Grades”>http://registrar.wisc.edu/grades_and_gpa.htm)</p>

<p>Thanks for the help! I emailed my professor, so hopefully all will be fixed soon! It was a really big lecture, and all of my work is recorded on learn@uw so I’m not sure what the problem was.</p>